Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog 9: Reflection Review

1. I'll say this, something positive about my Lesson 1 was that I tried to keep talking, even if that didn't work out exactly how I wanted, and that I could show something we use in work.
2. I was really proud with how long I stuck out on a presentation I wanted to do, and had a lot I wanted to talk about, even though I stalled.
3. I give myself a CR
4. I give that grade because I stalled and mumbled throughout my presentation and didn't get to what I really wanted to talk about. I also didn't finish or start my presentation strong.
5. In my Lesson I found that having my sources out turned out to be a real help in the long run. I also liked that I could show the real technology used, instead of just mention what it looked like.
6. I would have better prepared myself. given the presentation a better structure, because in my first run, the note cards only gave me cues on what topic was next, not notes on each section, just the name of the section. I would have also tried rehearsing in a crowd earlier, because I wasn't prepared for the amount of people I was talking to.