1. My EQ is, "How can the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department best utilize their Special Investigations Unit?"
2. The Los Angeles Sheriffs Department can best utilize their Special Investigations Unit by better funding them, and by providing them with more employees, and giving them constant up-to-date training for advances in technology and methods.
3. The Los Angeles Sheriffs Department could be better utilizing their SPI Unit by removing the unnecessary, bureaucratic laws that bind them at the moment, and discuss which of these laws is necessary.
4. a. The LASD has three form of recording consent laws, whether it be dual, all, or single party consent, It is unnecessary to have both dual or all party as their descriptions are almost completly identical.
b. The Los Angeles Sheriff County has little in place to protect its detectives from being accused of breaking these laws and little to save them from loophole exploitation.
5. Faturechi, Robert. "Narcotics Wiretap Catches Voice That May Be Sheriff's Captain's." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 28 Aug. 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
It can be seen that even the Sherifffs aren't safe from recording at times. and nothing hurts the reputation of other detectives than one being caught doing something wrong.
6. Friedersdorf, Conor. "Eyes Over Compton: How Police Spied on a Whole City." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. This Source shows the bad PR that the sheriffs recieve whenever they try to monitor or patrol the city in newer, more sophisticated and safe ways. They are pressured into using older methods that put more people in danger.
7. To conclude the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department may have been pressured into it's downsizing by citizens who were upset at the methods they were using, and wanted them to shift over to more comfortable, familiar methods used previously.