Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blog 13:Lesson 2 Reflection

1. In my presentation I was most proud of the props I brought to the lesson, and how much I knew about them. It felt good to be knowledgeable about my mentorship.
2. I would give myself an AP, because while I wasn't organized very well, I did know what I was talking about. I understood my EQ and answer. and I felt the class was engaged in my lesson. And I did have my EQ shown, and explained my answer to it using evidence from my mentorship to do so.
3. I felt that my equipment really worked for my lesson 2. I think that's what got the class engaged into my lesson. To be able to interact with the techonlogy used today and long ago.
4. If I had to be able to go back and redo the lesson, I would add more slides to the presentation. And I would also give the class more technology to interact with during the activity.
5. For my answer #2, I would say it would have to be to allow for the LASD to expand their reach beyond and allow them to act throughout Southern California.

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