For my independent component 2, I plan to perform more mentorship to better understand how the SPI Unit functions and the limitations they work with. During the time in my mentorship, I plan to acquire documents detailing on the budget they are given out of the whole LASD, and on their hiring rates. This will help by giving actual data on whether or not the LASD could add another detective. If not then the budget needs to be moved. And during my time in my mentorship I could interact more with the other detectives to get their opinions and ideas.
To actually make these 30 hours by going with my mentor to the office building over the weekend, when I can stay for the entire shift, rather than go when the shift is about to end. This allows me to receive more hours, and gain more insight on my answer. I plan my mentorship over the weekdays, and go on either Saturday, or Sunday. Once I arrive at the office I work the jobs they assign me for the whole shift and leave with my mentor. I average 8-9 hours now when I work.
By continuing my mentorship, I get to talk more to the staff/detectives about what problems the Unit is being given by the LASD. By getting their opinions I can mold my answer to better suit and help the most workers within the Unit. Also by continuing my mentorship, I could investigate more into the Unit to learn other possible solutions to my EQ. This would help flesh out my other answers and even might give a better answer than what I had before.
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