Friday, April 17, 2015

Blog 18: Interview 4 questions

  1.  How do you feel about the financial situation of your department?
  2.  What do you think that the Sheriffs Department could be doing to better fund your team?
  3.  How would your work be different if there were more detectives working alongside you?
  4.  Why do you think that the Sheriff Department isn't funding your team more?
  5.  How do you think my Answer 1 could be better improved to speak about the situation?
  6.  What would you say is the best way for the LASD to utilize you in your opinion?
  7.  Do you think that the Sheriffs are experiencing an overflow of applicants?
  8.  If so how would you fix this problem? automating the process, or by narrowing acceptance rates? If not, why would you say that their application process works?
  9.  What do you think is the most important aspect of your work? Do you feel it's been neglected?
  10.  How vital do you feel your work is overall to the department?
  11. What is your experience with the effects laws have regarding your work?
  12. Is their any law regarding your work that you feel is unnecessary? 
  13. Would you be open to discussion with your employers regarding these laws if you thought they could be changed?
  14.  Is it possible that the departments lower leveled positions are saturated at the moment?
  15.  If so, How would you think that the problem needs to be solved? If not, what's keeping them from that?
  16.  How have you moved from your beginning position to the work you are in now? what has helped you along that path?
  17. What would you suggest to a new applicant looking to join your line of work, What advice would you give them?
  18. What would you say the biggest problem is right now within your department?
  19.  What is your opinion on the way to solve that problem, or if it's being solved now, your opinion on their method?
  20.  What is your suggestion to people looking to go into the Sheriffs for training for other trades besides law enforcement?

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