Friday, May 29, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship

Adam Cordova
Special Investigations Unit

The most important thing I've gained from working with the SPI Unit, and especially under my mentor, was how important it was to cooperate and work together. They're a very small team, made up of only 6 people, when a problem arises between them, if it isn't worked out quickly, then the whole line of jobs and work gets backed up. I got to see this very personally over the past few months, with investigations by IA and drama between each other. It taught me how important just a little communication can be when you're working as a team.

This mentorship has helped me with my senior project because I got to work with the people I was doing the project on, so I got to pick their brains and get their opinion on what the best solution would be. They aren't mentioned anywhere in papers, or in the internet, so actually talking to them has been the only way to gain any real answers to their plights. I think that this mentorship was at the perfect time, with all the situations going on, I was able to see what was affecting them most, and how they deal with it. It also helped me answer my EQ because I was able to get feedback over what to add or remove from my answers to help me give the best advice on how they could be better utilized, and be as efficient as possible.

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